Thursday 20 September 2012

Bushnell 6500 Elite Riflescope

After much deliberation and research regarding what riflescope to purchase for my AR 15, I decided to go with the Bushnell 6500 Elite 1.25x8.  I recently had it mounted, aligned with a bore laser and fittled with pop-up lens covers.  The clarity is amazing and will allow me to use at close range with both eyes open or at long range.  I'm looking forward to aligning the sights and getting back on the range.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Zombie Paris Hilton

There's avery funny tongue in cheek reference that the shooter community has.  It's " be ready for when the Zombies arrive". Well, Zombie Paris Hilton and her Zombie Chiahuahua arrived at the range today and were greeted with my ar 15 and 9mm!  ( I saved her lovely complexion, yellow smile and her snivelling Zombie mutt for next time! ( I also was rather neglegent as a gentleman to ruin her lovely Zombie breasts and skanky naked blue tummy skin!)

Tuesday 4 September 2012

60 mm Spotting Scope

The Gear Continues!

The Celestron 60 mm spotting scope is my latest aquisition to my hoard of gear!
This small purchase has sufficiently motivated me to  aquire some kickass optics for my Stag AR 15.
Hopefully this scope will only show the hits and not my misses. ( Wouldn't it be nice if all our optics were that way way in life?)

Sean's Accuracy AX .338 Lapula

I recieved a call from a friend of mine Sean who heard I was into this "gun stuff"
Well, apparently I'm not alone!  Sean and I have similar interests in martial arts, music, (he's a bass player) and I've always enjoyed his company.  The call was a delightful surprise for me as I quickly learned that another one of our common interests is this "gun stuff"
 I have to applaud his sense of commitment on many levels.  He and his lovely wife Ellena, myself and our cache of arms had a great day at the range!
 Sean pulled out an Accuracy AX.338 Lapula sniper rifle. (The gun apparently has been documented as holding the longest successful shot at 2.84 kilometers.
 Here's the first shot by Sean on video.