Tuesday 31 July 2012

Advanced Pistol 1 Certificate

An awesome course thanks to my coach Scott Little.  Holster qualification and completion of AP1 has been a blast.  Prior to the course my thought was- aim and shoot.  Man, there is so much more to pistol work.  Forgetting about your day and relaxing and focusing in on this super fun and challenging feat. Ensuring the pistol muzzle is always pointed ina safe direction down range. Setting the proper  platform or stance, proper draw to the correct grip, propeer sight picture, feeling the slack of the trigger and meeting the breaking point. Then using just the very tip of your finger to smoothly pull the trigger.  Waiting and seeing and feeling what you just did.  Retracting the pistol the same way it was presented and safely holstering it. Sounds easy, but it's an exercise in physics, anatomy, muscle and mental memory.  But man, it's fun!

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