Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year's Day 2013

New Year's Day 2013, no hangover and training at the range!  As per the last post, these targets are pretty small.  I placed one in front to simulate a hostage and I target the one behind as the hostage taker.It makes it easier for me to make each shot count.
 I managed to cut out a nice smiley face on the hostage taker and fired off 6 clips or 60 rounds. 
My CZ trigger is pretty light and I did have 2 ad's (accidental discharges) Unfortunately, I happened to hit the hostage twice. Challenging drill and I'll post better results next time
(I do like the smiley face I managed to carve out)  And remember the five and a half shots below smiley face are nasty for him as well!

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