Wednesday 27 June 2012

At the range in Phukett Thailand

Here's a shot of yours truly at the range at Phukett, Thailand.
Bad Grip!  No wonder why I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn! I know better now!

Stag Arms

Brand Loyalty!

Those who know me know I love Pearl Drums, Roland electronic drums, Weber BBQ's and other brands.  I like the gear, the swag and everything associated with it!
So here's a blatant free plug for my AR brand : Stag Arms.

Kimber 1911 Desert Warrior .45

Kimber 1911 Desert Warrior .45

When one has little knowledge and experience in a certain field one's best option is to take the advice of trusted others. Having travelled for several months for a few years through southeast Asia, my good friend from Scotland Mike "Pepe Lopez" McCloud and I did some shooting at a range in Thailand.  Both of us went nuts over it!  I've been fortunate enough to begin my training and to have purchased two awesome weapons.  The Kimber Desert Warrior chambered in.45 is what comes recomended by my instructor and my firearms store owner.  It has me thinking.... but my best bet is to get my M&P tricked out and start on some tacticle AR training with my Stag AR 14 5.56 Nato.
And, of course, continue developing my skills to eventually become a competitive pistol shooter.

TDSA Advanced Pistol 2 completed

Although I still havn't recieved my paperwork from the government, I have certified under the TDSA Advanced Pistol 2 program.  Tonights'session had me shooting around barricades.  Rolling out and stepping out from behind barricades and shooting multiple targets.  With my acl completely severed an mcl tear and no miniscus cartlige in my right knee, it seems my best bet for stability is the rollout method.  Great instruction again and thanks to Scott Little for his knowledge (and patience)!
  Tonight was my first Wednesday night out with a group of about 15 other pistol enthusiasts practising TDSA skills and shooting steel.  I shot over 400 rounds today and the barrel and holster were hot!
  I also used my own belt, pouches and mags for the first time and still waiting for my permit.
It's unlikely that it will come before July 7th's Make a Wish fun day at the range so I'll probably be spectating and helping out any way I can.
  Today was a great day on the range.  Although I have a few certifications under my belt, like anything, the more you learn, the more you realize how much more there is to learn. 

Friday 22 June 2012

Pistol Pat

What the hell, it is my blog! A lil self indulgence and a change in shooting can't hurt!
A made shot from my college days.  They did have colour back then! lol!
That was 31 years ago and I still play every Thursday!

The Inspiration for my Blog Title

Anyone who knows me knows my love and passion for basketball.  I was lucky enough as a boy to see Pistol Pete Maravich play for the new Orleans Jazz against the Buffalo Braves.  He remains my favorite player.  He was a bit of a hotdog or showman (which I may have been accused of before)
but I loved his style (and the fact he won a few NBA scoring titles!)
 The tiltle of my blog "Pistol Patrick" pays homage to the man.. Pistol Pete Maravich.

My Stag AR 15

Here's a shot of my baby!  Me thinks it needs new shoes: trigger and optics!

Baby needs new Shoes!

Baby needs new shoes!

Well. since I have no babies or need to save for their college education, I made a new aquisition today.  Having enjoyed my experience at the range with pistols, a lil bit of trap shooting with a shotgun, the final piece in the triumvirate is a rifle. 
  Initially I was thinking of a long gun but sitting plugging paper would get a bit snoozy.
Scott, my instructor uses and recommends the Stag AR 15 model 8 seen above.  What appealed to me was obviously his recommendation, the badass look of the piece and the opportunity to pursue tacticle assault rifle courses; moving, shooting multiple targets, transitioning from rifle to pistol.
Now that is NOT snoozy!
  The downside to all this is that it seems doubley long waiting for the government to send me my documents!!!!

Scott Little with Benelli Shotgun

Scott Little with Benelli Shotgun

If you do you may miss ten zillion pellets being discharged in no time flat! One would assume it's a machine gun!!
Speed, control and accuracy= most excellent!
I'd like to pick up a Benelli for trap shooting, but if you see my next post, I may have to wait a while!

Thursday 21 June 2012

M&P Knife

Smith and Wesson M&P Knife

I recently recieved as a gift a very cool pocket knife.  In less than a week i  lost it.  Total bummer as it was a gift from my brother.  But prior to that, several years ago he gave me a great Leatherman utility knife which i have and use to this day.  It is a bit bulky to carry in one's pocket so I've been waiting for quite some time to find a blade that I I liked.
  Since I'm on this fixation, still waiting for my M&P 9, I decided that this is the knife I like.. and much like my pistol...I can't wait to get it!
  I'm learning that patience is not one of my strongest suits. (actually I've known that my whole life!)
Off to the range tomorrow for more learning and practise. I can't wait!!!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

AP2 of 3 Multipule Targets: Match Simulation

Multiple Targets: Match Simulation

As the second of three parts for my TDSA  Advance Pistol 2 qualification it became clear that there is a whole lot more to this business than meets the eye.  Working with Scott Little and Travis for the last couple of sessions has been a blast!  Refamiliarizing myself with the basics, getting the feel of the firearm again and running some new drills has really helped (helped me see how much practise and time it takes to be proficient!)
  That's one of the things I love about new goals.  If it comes to easy- it gets boring real fast!
In this drill we simulated a match with Scott, Travis and myself.  time and accuracy come into play to give each of us a round by round tally.  I learned quickly that making your shots is mandatory and speed is secondary.  My first score was 3, one missed shot cost me 14 points!  My last score seen here on video was 24 ,if you notice on two of the targets, I take an extra shot to better my score but lengthen my time. Today I borrowed Travis's Glock which i liked better than the last one I borrowed for some reason.  Hopefully soon I'll get my M&P 9, but my instructor Scott tells me that i'm sure to transition to a 911. (I'm sure I will too)

Wednesday 13 June 2012


I like the center shot lol!

Strange things CAN happen!

  I was at the range today shooting a Glock 9mm.  In my limited experience and notwithstanding the popularity of Glocks- I really don't like them.  I find the grip not long enough to accept my little finger and as a result  I hold the firearm higher than I should to compensate.  The slide came back and nicked me twice.
  This is a testament that strange things can happen.  My shooting partner today accidentally loaded 11 rounds in the clip!  I did not think this was possible in a ten round.  The gun was proven safe and cleared prior to loading the mag.  I broke off 10 rounds, ejected the mag and aimed uprange as I always do just in  case,  and pulled the trigger.  To my surprise an 11th round fired uprange!
This goes to show how important that safe practices are.  I did pull the trigger with the gun above waist level but in the future I'll always clear it as if there are more than 10 rounds in the firearm!

12 Gauge Trap Shooting

Trap Shooting witha 12 Gauge

  Wow!  I've always wanted to try this and will be purchasing a pump shotgun to explore trap shooting more!  I found I had better success with the pump rather than the overunder.

Monday 11 June 2012

AP2 Moving and firing at multiple targets

Advanced Pistol 2: Moving and shooting multiple targets with Scott Little instructor.
This drill was a blast!  On the ground you'll see a piece if wood used as a marker, a few feet away from the targets.  The wood represents a room, so you cannot fire until you cross the marker and enter the room.  After the third target , another target from the side represents another assailant so you have to turn and fire two rounds into it.

AP1 Shooting Doubles

Advanced Pistol 1 shooting doubles, 9mm.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Lanz Shooting Supplies

This is where my M&P 9 is patiently waiting for me!
Lanz Shooting Supplies is right on site at Silverdale Gun Club.  Great crew, great selection and very helpful advise for a rookie like me!

Still waiting for the paperwork

I failed to mention that currently I'm still waiting on the actual paperwork from the government prior to taking possession of my M&P 9.  I have purchased the carry and range kit and it's being stored for me at Lanz Shooting supplies until the paperwork and ATT come through.  With the courses I've taken, the gear that I purchased and everything else, each day seems like a month until i take possession of this!
Of course I have a gun safe installed at home to safely store it when it finally arrives.

Competition belt and racer pouches

I recently recieved the double Alpha competion belt  with 3 racer pouches and one magnetic pouch.  Seems to take a bit of experimenting to get the proper configuration that works best for quick reloads.  I'll talk to some of the guys at the range to check out all the options.  I'll photograph and post my rig set up when completed.

Electronic Muffs

I've never heard of let alone tried electronic muffs.  I purchased a red pair from
I took them to the range and blsted off about 250 9mm rounds with the ranges Glock.
I was totally impressed with them.  You can hear range commands and people talking but when a shot is fired the db's drop to a safe level.  Highly recommended!

Friday 8 June 2012

CED Deluxe Range Bag

I love this range bag!  CED thought of everything here.  it will hold all your range gear, a couple of
pistols, 7 magazines, ammo and more. 

ced 7000 shot timer

During my holster qualification course, I was introduced to the concept of timing how fast you can draw the sidearm from your holster and break off a shot.  Currently, my best time is.88 seconds.
It's a great way to measure your progress rather than just shooting at targets.

Skyview of Silverdale

Here's a skyview of Silverdale Gun Club.

Silverdale Gun Club

Here's the logo for my gun club- Silverdale Gun Club in Lincoln, near Grimsby.
A nice drive through the country takes me about an hour and 15 minutes.

Patrick's TDSA Canada Instructor: Scott Little

                          TDSA Canada Instructor: Scott Little

Scott Little founded TDSA Canada in 2006. With 15 years experience, his background includes being the lead instructor at TDSA Missouri. Scott has taught over 400 students, from civilians, to U.S. and Canadian military and law enforcement members.

Scott's unique approach draws on his extensive martial arts background, as he emphasizes ideal body mechanics through the elimination of unproductive movement.

Scott is currently training under the tutelage of Max Michel, who is a three time World Speed Shooting Champion.

Assisting Scott are several instructors that have been hand picked and personally trained by Scott to teach his methods of shooting.

Here's a testimonial I wrote for their website after a session with Scott:

  Five minutes into a private session with Scott Little during the TDSA AP1 and holster qualification course, it became clear that I was with the right instructor. In no time flat, my comfort, control, confidence, speed and accuracy were improved to the point that I was amazed.
  There has been very few times in my life where improvements and results have been so drastic and so immediate. If you've wasted time, money, ammunition and targets doing the wrong things repeatedly- It's time to do the right things.
  After a session with Scott Little, like me, you'll see dramatic improvements immediately.

Patrick S.

Patrick's Firearms Certifications

Patrick Sheahan's current firearms certifications:

CFSC: Canadian Firearms Safety Courses

                 P.A.L. non restricted
                 P.A.L. restricted

ATT Certification: Authorization to Transport

TDSA: Texas Defensive Shooting Academy

              Holster Qualification Certification
              Advanced Pistol1 Certification
              Advanced Pistol 2 Certification

Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Welcome to  my new blog that will act as a journal through my journey to become a competitive pistol shooter.  Pistol shooting has been a long standing interest for me and now it's the right time to pursue this goal. The photo above is my first handgun purchase.  The Smith and Wesson M&P 9 mm carry and range kit.  It comes with the lockable carry case, 3-10 round magazines,  a double mag pouch,3 different sized backstraps, an Uplula speed loader, a Blade Tech holster and of course the 9mm pistol with cable lock.  If you decide to follow me through this endeavour, you'll see my gear, my range, a few action packed videos, my successess and hopefully only limited failures!