Wednesday 27 June 2012

TDSA Advanced Pistol 2 completed

Although I still havn't recieved my paperwork from the government, I have certified under the TDSA Advanced Pistol 2 program.  Tonights'session had me shooting around barricades.  Rolling out and stepping out from behind barricades and shooting multiple targets.  With my acl completely severed an mcl tear and no miniscus cartlige in my right knee, it seems my best bet for stability is the rollout method.  Great instruction again and thanks to Scott Little for his knowledge (and patience)!
  Tonight was my first Wednesday night out with a group of about 15 other pistol enthusiasts practising TDSA skills and shooting steel.  I shot over 400 rounds today and the barrel and holster were hot!
  I also used my own belt, pouches and mags for the first time and still waiting for my permit.
It's unlikely that it will come before July 7th's Make a Wish fun day at the range so I'll probably be spectating and helping out any way I can.
  Today was a great day on the range.  Although I have a few certifications under my belt, like anything, the more you learn, the more you realize how much more there is to learn. 

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