Friday 22 June 2012

Baby needs new Shoes!

Baby needs new shoes!

Well. since I have no babies or need to save for their college education, I made a new aquisition today.  Having enjoyed my experience at the range with pistols, a lil bit of trap shooting with a shotgun, the final piece in the triumvirate is a rifle. 
  Initially I was thinking of a long gun but sitting plugging paper would get a bit snoozy.
Scott, my instructor uses and recommends the Stag AR 15 model 8 seen above.  What appealed to me was obviously his recommendation, the badass look of the piece and the opportunity to pursue tacticle assault rifle courses; moving, shooting multiple targets, transitioning from rifle to pistol.
Now that is NOT snoozy!
  The downside to all this is that it seems doubley long waiting for the government to send me my documents!!!!

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